Thursday, April 1, 2010

Kongregate didn't do anything special for today. (April Fools!)

Aside from the clearly noticeable censor on a continuously growing list of words, the new Kongai cards were released today! Disquised as another "Kongai Launch" rick roll, our first new Kongai card of the 2nd generation is Starbuck, the Strapping First Mate in the game Mushroom Madness 2. Along with the release of the first new card, you're now able to purchase all cards from the Pirate set! The cost per card is 20 kreds, but is reduced to 15 kreds if you purchase the entire set together (You'll save 50 kreds, or about $5).

The word censors left and right are also adding to the April Fool's Day madness. Here's the current list of censors discovered by users: (Click here for an updated list)

  1. "april" : "pity the"

  2. "greg" : "Greg, all glory be His"

  3. "badge" : "pony"

  4. "games" : "BRAINZZZ"

  5. "banhammer" : "magic wand"

  6. "retard" : "savant"

  7. "retarded" : "gifted"

  8. "gay" : "merry"

  9. "mod" : "care bear"

  10. "admin" : "rainbow princess"

  11. "chuck norris" : "Mr. T"

  12. "words" : "coconuts"

  13. "beer" : "mana"

  14. "booze" : "potions"

  15. "bacon" : "tofu"

  16. "cake" : "pie"

  17. "level" : "one up"

  18. "cookie" : "pie"

  19. "candy" : "pie"

  20. "ice cream" : "pie"

  21. "food" : "OMNOMNOM"

  22. "pickle" : "flavor missile"

  23. "rofl" : "how droll!"

  24. "your mom" : "my mom"

  25. "ur mom" : "my mom"

  26. "andrew" : "leeeeeeroy jenkins"

  27. "filter" : "narwhal"

  28. "kong" : "The Best Site EVAR"

  29. "kongregate" : "The Best Site EVAR"

  30. "replace" : "hallucinate"

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