Monday, September 28, 2009

Rainbow Month- The epic conclusion!

Hey everyone. Most of you have seen my previous post concerning Rainbow Month, and I'd just like to announce that the occasion has ended. It won't be until next year that this tradition comes around again, but I'll certainly be there when it does come alive- hopefully by another user willing to carry on the rainbow torch that has affected many so deeply.

Well anyway- the turn out was AMAZING for the 2nd annual Rainbow month! I've been keeping track over the month, and I spotted a total of one hundred and seventeen (117) users with a rainbow avatar at some point during the event! That's the best turnout for ANY event so far. There was also about thirty-eight (38) users who kept the rainbow avatar for the entirety of the month- So "HUZZAH!" to those that were that dedicated.

Well everyone, I hope you've all enjoyed this as much as I have- see you all next year!

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