Saturday, October 18, 2008

Review: Distopix

Distopix can be found Here!
Audio: The song playing is a tecno-rock song that can be somewhat annoying after some time, but luckily there is a mute button. Other sound effects in the game would have helped, but it's pretty good.

Graphics:The fact that the moving box can cover up statistics at times is not exactly a great thing. Other then that the graphics are really simple, nothing too special.

Gameplay:The gameplay in this game is pretty crazy. When the box gets distorted it can me really difficult to see where you are as far as hitting falling blocks. I thought this game was pretty fun nonetheless.

Originality:There's a medium sized list of games similar to this one, but this one keeps its originality with the fact that the playing box moves and changes size and shape.

Difficulty:This game starts fairly easy, but becomes a big challenge withing seconds. Once you get the hang of this game there isn't a single thing that can stop you.

Overall: 3.6 A great game.

Tips:Simple, focus! If you concentrate on where you are the entire games and how close to falling blocks, you should be able to get the hang of it. Always keep an eye ahead of what's falling next so you are prepared.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review!